Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?

@kaesi28 Then why didn't they?

Also, I find it funny how people like you will look down upon people that provide advice that has worked for them in the past, and don't provide any evidence. Yet all we ever talk about is "mental health". You'd rather cry and bitch about something than have a discussion about it and maybe change the other person's mind.

You're dime a dozen. Providing no advice while shitting on others with no evidence or no knowledgeable proof that it doesn't work.
@trap121 „Sweating out antibodies“ „muscle freeze“ … please read a book on basic immune function.

I wish there were antibodies against stupid misinformation.
@trap121 That is why i said, read a book. This is how people usually educate themselves. Not by following something a stranger posted on the internet.
@slr1991 I don't disagree, but if you're going to disagree it's the right thing to provide factual evidence of your disagreement rather than just saying "read a book lol"
@trap121 Sweat does contain antibodies. I guess that is the grain of truth that your statement is based on. But that doesn‘t mean that exercising and therefore sweating a lot makes viral or bacterial infections go away. It is simply not how all if this works. Immune system functions are super complex, and I will not claim to be a subject matter expert. But please don‘t spread misinformation. In this particular case, it could kill people (think of myocarditis).

PS. i agree with you on the need for evidence. Please provide evidence for „muscle freeze“ that makes colds take longer, and „technically sweating antibodies“ to fight the viruses. I will wait. The ones who make the outrageous statements are the ones who need to bring the evidence, not vice versa.
@blueskies88 When I get sick, I wait till I feel better, then wait 48 hours after I feel okay simply to prevent the spread of it at the gym because it would be an endless loop of getting it. But with my workout routine, say if Tuesday is Cario or whatever, and thats when I return back to the gym, I would continue following my routine on what it is for that day to prevent yourself from getting out of your routine. Even if you had your days off, you would make up for those days, but just don't overdo yourself. Hope this helps so people may do it different but this is what I do.
@blueskies88 Well, from my personal experience, yes, if you change your routine, it may discourage you if you begin to lose track of what you are training on this day. Some people are excellent at managing this well, but if you are able to, you could always continue with leg day when you return and continue your workouts like normal and resume where you left off. It just depends on how well you can manage your workout routines, if this makes sense.