Doctor said being vegan will kill me and if I wanna be healthy then I need to eat meat again :(

@happywifehappylife The doctor “thinks” you are anaemic or did he actually run any tests to confirm that?

I’d suggest posting what you eat during a regular day. That would help determine if your diet sucks.

There are plenty of vegan women that do fine as vegans and aren’t passing out everywhere.
@zennah I updated the post, I’m getting a blood test done on Thursday so it isn’t confirmed I’m anaemic yet the doctor just suggested it, Also I posted what I usually eat ! Check the pinned post :)
@happywifehappylife I hope you have the following tests done to explore sources of possible anemia.

CBC (complete blood count, includes hemoglobin);

Iron (including iron binding capacity);

Ferritin (in essence what the iron storage in your body is like, separate from iron in your blood);

B12 (Low in vegans who don’t supplement and it’s a crucial component in red blood cell production in the body. Supplements made from yeast are the vegan form of B12 since B12 is otherwise only found from animal sources.)

I think that’s it.
@zennah Can also confirm! I actually had more issues as a non vegan due to lack of diversity in my diet. I was borderline anemic and dealt with a few fainting spells around my period. Now vegan, I eat more nutritious and well rounded foods. You may also need to generally eat more if you’re focusing on straight veggies.
@happywifehappylife Your doctor is garbage ngl. Comparing taking iron supplements to using an inhaler when your lung is fucked from smoking is the dumbest comparison ever. You can be vegan and healthy, women or men or whatever.
@happywifehappylife idk if i’m just overlooking something but - did you mention whether you’re supplementing your B vitamins? there are many many causes of anaemia besides iron deficiency, and you should know what the issue after your blood test. don’t start taking any supplements or overhauling your life before you really know what’s going on.

the options are most likely not limited to A) eat meat or B) die. i’m sure there are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part there is usually the option to supplement in whatever form most fits your particular absorptive capabilities + is acceptable to you.

if you have a deficiency, supplements exist for a reason (as many have already said) and you can add in dietary sources as you please because variety is good anyway. if your doctor refuses to accept trialing a dietary supplement over a dietary change, it’s worth seeking a second opinion. your wants do actually matter and are valid, and it’s fair to try a supplement before changing your diet if that’s more acceptable to you. that’s not to say you should ignore your doctor’s advice and freeball it, but it’s fair to want a doc that cares about your preferences and wants to provide the most reasonable, sustainable form of intervention.

but anyway sorry you’ve been having such a shit one. it’s always worth advocating for yourself as far as is reasonable (like, not literally life or death)
@happywifehappylife You definitely need a new better doctor! I’m vegan and was severely low in iron, I got iron infusions which helped soooo much. And I’m considering birth control to stop my periods.

Do NOT trust any one doctor. There are so many horrible outdated ones. Always always get second and sometimes third opinions.
@happywifehappylife If you drink coffee or tea, be careful of tannin lower the absorption of iron by 40% and 60% respectively.
Dr. Greger of Nutractiondact.Org has a YouTube video about it. His advice is don't drink coffee or tea one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal.
@happywifehappylife This is above redits pay grade. You can be vegan and eat healthy. You can be vegan and overcome ED. But you need a doctor that has more than 6 hours of nutrition training.

Search for registered dieticians in your area who are familiar with vegan diets. They will be able to help you fix your diet and monitor your progress safely.
@happywifehappylife Even when I ate lots of red meat and eggs my blood tests showed I was still iron deficient and needed a chelated iron supplement and vitamin b-12 supps to get my blood to normal levels. Red meat wasn't the answer for me. Iron supps were. If you had tried iron supplements and it still wasn't working then maybe he could jump to this conclusion. Do track what you eat to ensure you are eating enough, especially legumes and vegetables and lots of healthy fat like olives, nuts, and avocados.