Does anyone work out based on their moon cycle?


New member
Hi friends,

When I was unemployed, I used to work out five times a week, including three times at the park doing calisthenics. Now that it’s summer where I live (over 90 degrees everyday), it takes a lot more energy for me to get out and exercise, especially since I have PMDD. I also got quite bulky in those few months. Trying to walk more and get a little leaner but maintain muscle.

I’m wondering if I can work with my infradian rhythm instead of against it. I get my period every three weeks. I’m considering a routine like this:
  • Strength train during the Follicular and Ovulation phases - Day 1-16
  • Yoga during the Luteal phase (Day 16- 28)
  • Complete rest during my 3-5 day period (Day 28-Day 31)
Can I still achieve the same level of strength with this plan as I would with the typical mens "arms 2 days a week, legs 2 days, full body 1 day" routine? I also walk a lot everyday, aiming for 8k and often walk up a parking ramp or swim. Thanks,

@francis_mcc I don’t think so, simply due to when sticking to a plan you get more results, even if you don’t do the whole workout/less reps etc on pms /period days

I adjusted my diet to my cycle to fuel my body the best I can, but my split stayed the same (push + legs/pull + legs/functional + mobility)

I show up at the gym, but don’t overload if I feel to tired or exhausted

I also read these recommendations (by different sources) and wasn’t quite sure why they put it together like that, if people take sports seriously, they won’t buy yoga gear/lessons + cycling gear + gym membership/equipment + hiking gear (not talking about you here, some recommendations really went overboard)

Like yeah it’s a guideline with examples but pairing yoga with bouldering / lifting and walking for example, splitting them into high impact to lower according to the phases would make more sense in my book

Like vinyasa yoga for the ovulation phase, yin yoga for menstruation, low weights high rep cardio style lifting for ovulation and so on/ rant over 😄
@xdxaxvxex I feel tired/exhausting during Luteal/Menstrual phase I know It will be worse because now I'm working 9-5. Luckily my job involves me walking around to different offices and not sitting the whole time, but still it's tiring.

I know i'll want to continue to do something small during those days but I am usually in an extremely bad mood, feel irritate and bloated and not much motivation to do anything, although normally I LOVE being active. It's like my body is bipolar, depending on what cycle i'm in.
@francis_mcc Have you had your hormones and micronutrients and vitamin levels checked?

I remember I was way more tired when I had constant stress (my ex partner) and wasn’t getting enough of certain micronutrients (low on ferritin and magnesium)

Maybe this could help you to be more energised 🙏
@xdxaxvxex I have been in relationship for two years that has been up and down. It started with me being sick and him taking care of me because I lost a couple jobs. (it could’ve been the filthy apartment I moved in to but his wasn’t much better..) he convinced me to do the whole trad girl friend thing because he made way more money than me that has trouble taking care of his children, and, to be honest, himself. I do believe he has hurt my nervous system if anything
@francis_mcc I have PMDD as well. What I’ve found what works best for me was to just cut everything down and going for consistency over working out almost every day, regardless of what that workout looks like. So doing full body weight workouts 3x a week instead of doing an arm day, leg day, back day, etc.
@francis_mcc you won’t achieve the results of someone who lifts consistently over a month by lifting In a 16 day window of a month. Doesn’t mean you won’t have any results, they just won’t be the same.

I just do my usual workouts all month. Am I lower energy sometimes ? Sure. I don’t always lift as heavy or feel like I can go as hard, but I don’t change what I do. Some days just showing up and moving was the accomplishment. I always feel so much better after. I’d be a depressed miserable blob if I quit working out my entire my period. My periods are actually much more manageable now. I’ve also hit many PRs on my period . I think I feel my weakest right before.

But we are all different.. What works for me doesn’t work for everybody. If that feels right to you, give it a try
@francis_mcc You are actually strongest once your period starts and your hormones come down from their luteal high. Look up Dr Stacy Sims and her book Roar. She’s got tons of good advice on how to workout and train around your cycle for optimum results including nutrition around your cycle, as well.
Can I still achieve the same level of strength with this plan as I would with the typical mens "arms 2 days a week, legs 2 days, full body 1 day" routine? I also walk a lot everyday, aiming for 8k and often walk up a parking ramp or sw,

No, it won’t be the same results. If you want to look like you go to the gym for weights 5-days a week, you need to actually go that much!

I think weightlifting the whole month is fine. Just lift lighter weights or do less sessions when you feel PMDD or low energy. Continue to be active every week when possible
@francis_mcc I do. I do more anaerobic exercise in the follicular to ovulatory phase and more aerobic in the luteal phase (I rarely workout when on my period, yin yoga did prove best for me while menstruating). I feel like I recover more quickly and can avoid joint pain if I lift heavier in the first half and do very light weights or body weight in the second half. It’s just because of how the hormones are distributed differently throughout the phases. I don’t really lift that heavy ever because I just don’t like it. My workout style consists of barre, Pilates and classic strength training movements
@francis_mcc I have read about it but I don’t follow it. For me I usually have my best workouts right before my period, which from what I’ve read isn’t how I’m supposed to feel? It’s actually one of the ways I can tell it’s coming. I just follow my plan. 🤷🏻‍♀️