Does Meal Timing Matter? - Menno Henselmans, Stronger by Science/Danny Lennon & Roberts et al

cool story bro. why don't you tell us more about how you're more reputable than menno, roberts, morgan and all the other pro card competitors, coaches and scientists in the op?

should stay in your lane, bro.
Not saying they aren’t reputable lol. I’m staying in my lane. I’m currently 190 and pretty lean, probably my most favorite lane to be in. More lean then probably most people on this sub. Even if they weren’t lean I really wouldn’t care :).
nice humble brag bro. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get.

edit: does this dude not get sarcasm?
Thanks look me up on IG! The_shape89. Don’t really do videos. I have a few of me rack pulling and dead lifting. Not all the impressive in comparison to others who bodybuild. Frame isn’t really built for powerlifting.

My client i train is 142 lbs and can dead lift 335. Pound for pound way stronger than me. Great mechanical leverages and stays really lean. He’s only like 5’7”. Guy hit the genetic lottery.
Nice n=1 case study bro. definitely discredits all the coaches and scientists in the op that have coached many competitors to their pro cards.

edit: /s