Dry Fighting Weight (Single Bell) Questions


New member
Hi all, giving DFW a shot. I don't have two bells of the same size so I'm using a single: 16kg, which is a little light, but I can't even press the 24kg once with my non-dominant hand. Plan is to finish the program with a single as I save for one of those fancy adjustable bells, then try it with double 16s.

Two questions:
  • You ARE supposed to use the same weight for c&p and FS, right? Geoff in the original article says to use your 5rm press, but nothing about the squats
  • How do the squats work with one bell? I'm on day 2 which calls for sets of 1; thinking c&p with my left arm, c&p with my right arm, rest, then FS with the bell in one hand, rest, then next set and do the squat with the bell in the other hand. Or should it be c&p L, c&p R, rest, FS L, FS R, rest?
@danixc Yes, you are supposed to use the same bells for everything.

Since the one bell version is not part of the original, you can definitely do it however you want. The squats are "underbelled" with doubles too so you might want to do a squat for each side. Since you are using just one bell, you might also want to skip the rest between C&P and squats and maybe just do the whole C&P L, FSQ L, C&P R, FSQ R, and then rest.
@danixc With doubles it's c&P R, FS rest. Don't set the bells down before doing the squat but just rack from the press and it go right into the squat. You might want to alter that a little with one bell and switch to the heavier bell and do a goblet squat. So do clean and press on both sides then switch to the heavier bell for the goblet squat. it will mess up the rhythm a little bit be the best solution I can think of till you get more bells.
@harliee57 No, the actual program has rest between C&P and squats. But many choose to do it without it, but with a reclean before squats since you would do the clean if you had put the bells down.
@juancarlos Your right, my bad. I think I was going off a some videos where it was all lumped together. I reread it and there is a rest between the two. I actually did that this morning and like the extra cleans from doing them before the squats and don't have to rest as long between sets. Thanks for clarifying.
@harliee57 Can you explain 'c&P R, FS rest' some more? So it is a single clean and press, then whatever R is, then without putting the bells down a front squat, then rest?
@wakemantk Together the clean and press and the front squat are a complex. Its

Clean to the Rack position


back to the rack position

Front squat

Then put the bells down and rest.