My Dry January Fitness Experiment (UPDATE)

@dawn16 Thank you so much! I'm just shy of 5'6". I calculated my TDEE to be around 2300 so I figure I'll give 1800 a try and see how it goes. That is so interesting that you had that experience, because I've read about that happening but it's cool to talk to someone first hand who broke out of the calorie restriction and found better results. This month was an awesome lesson for me that I could eat ~2000 calories a day (I tracked for science, but didn't restrict) and still lose weight, it definitely shifted my paradigm and I think helps me have a better relationship with the food - like I can have a cupcake and it's not gonna offset my progress, I just prob shouldn't eat cupcakes every day. lol.
@jannsis Exactly! It’s all about moderation. What people forget is that when you workout, especially weight training like I do, your body continues to burn calories throughout the next 24 hours. When you aren’t eating enough calories your body tries to save all it can and when it does start actually using reserves for fuel it will use muscle, not fat. So it’s really important to have proper calorie intake and proper protein intake.