"Easy to get started" conditioning workout. 20 x 60s intervals of rope, double KB, burpees


New member
Some days I don't feel like working out, and for those days I have an "easy to get started" workout. It is a workout that feels accessible, simple, easy to get started; it doesn't feel as discouraging or as complicated as a full workout. And it has to be easy to setup. Even if it has been a difficult or exhausting day, I can think "this one is not difficult to get started, it doesn't feel daunting, it is simple, easy to set up"; and then I finish with a good workout under my belt.

I am curious if anyone uses a similar technique and what is that workout?

Here is my Easy to get started conditioning workout. I just need (a) 2 x 16kg kettlebelles, (b) a jumprope and (d) Interval timer (my g-shock) set at 20 x 60s work interaval + 30s rest interval.

Each work interval I pick whatever I want, but I go non-stop until the minute has passed:
  1. Skipping rope
  2. Double KB work (typically C&P or ABC or rows)
  3. Burpees
Somehow at the beginning I think "This will be just some skipping" and then "some light ABCs", and after a couple of these, I am going full speed. And after 5 work intervals, I start to be exhausted of these two and start to pick burpees work intervals, as somehow they feel more accessible. And after 30min (20min work, 10min rest), I am done.

@logicweb040 This morning I did some clean, press, squat ladders w/ 2x24s

Do that but never stop? Wonder what I'd tap out at......

Went from 1 to 8 today, was thinking about 10s but I tore my palm a little (as it was one of my first doubles sessions back since injury and I was all excited and over gripped)
@kruise I am doing DFW with double 28kg, and for this I choose double 16kg, as a comfortable weight I could go full speed for 1min multiple times. So go lighter if you can.

Or do as many reps as you can in one minute.

And then rest 30s.

Best of luck!

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