I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

@jord1999 Well I've been stuck at the current weight for so long I feel like. all my abs are visbile at that BF%, but still look sort of thin when I'm not pumped.... Too bad the pump doesn't stay all day long....
@michaelkep The pump does stay if you do more lol. I literally chase the pump which is why I hit at least two real workouts a day. Only way for nattys lol 😂. Can we see pics, super curious. I’m still confused though how you think eating more will help ur abs pop tho?

Edit: on average 2 a day

Lol, y’all can downvote but that’s why I look the way I do.
@jord1999 Markmann, I'm not concerned if my abs show less. I'm just frustrated that I've stayed at the exact same weight for so long. You drive to the gym 14 times a week or something? Can you please elaborate on an example of a week you train. I pump iron like 6 days a week and wonder if it's too much
@michaelkep Drive or run. I hit on average 12 weight workouts a week, I play basketball 3-4, and also do yoga and calisthenic workouts.

here is an example of weight workouts for the week

It’s all based on goals bb.

You just don’t seem to have a very specific goal to reach towards. If you just want to gain good weight then simply eat more and train more.. track your calories and start putting in the effort outside the gym as well.
@michaelkep It’s not meant for anyone to understand except me lol, so I can understand the confusion.

So the first pic is the main body part, the second is accessory for that workout. So you see the first pic on Thursday is legs and back. The second pic shows I did leg accessory work with my back that day.

Edit: you can see it says accessory in the second screen shot.

I do triple sets, so that Thursday my second weight workout that day was two back exercises followed by a leg exercise.
@michaelkep No, accessory exercises are my “rest” exercises from the main body part that day.

On a chest day for example I may do pull-ups as my accessory that day.

My first set of triple sets may look like:

a. Incline db press
b. Incline db flies
c. Knee up pull-ups

I would go through these three exercises 4 times.

c. Could be replaced with kettlebell work, band work, weighted leg exercises, anything that won’t take a lot away from your chest that workout.
@jord1999 Do you take naps? You train a ton, and don't take roids... so just asking.... If not naps, do you at least lay down for 10 min and close your eyes? I think I feel refreshed after that. I got a yoga mat at work for the 10 min rest breaks.
@michaelkep I find i can eat a cup of trailmix pretty quick and easy and it tends to be around 800 calories. Its pretty cheap and there is lots of variety.

Mass gainer shakes can be good. But expensive.