I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

@michaelkep Peanut butter is a life saver when it's evening and you need to down 1200 calories.

Some ice cream and a protein shake after the workout is also great at knocking a few hundred calories for the day.

Put oil in/on everything. Tastes better and it's calorie dense.
@mlenadc Some days are different, but I'm trying to get in 4-6 eggs every day and a very big nutrient dense smoothie before noon.... Lunch is often oats with hemp seeds, raisins, and walnuts with 3 bananas... Dinner could be 1 of 4 meals I guess.... For the next few days it will be Chicken thighs, Traderjoes harvest blend, and peas and carrots since I did meal prep this morning........Are you asking this because you're assuming I don't track my macros with an online tracker? (I don't but maybe I will)
@michaelkep I want a general sense of the calorie density of your diet. And yeah, a vague idea of the volume.

Eggs are great. What other meaningful sources of fat are you getting? Where's the actual carbs?
@michaelkep im 6’2”. i started at 200 in April, im 230 now, goal is 240 by February. it has worked.

should mention the other 95% of my diet is clean. ground beef, chicken, rice, fruits, etc. the cheesecake is just an easy way to push that last 500 cals at the end of the night
@naomigabrielle This is the way. In todays world everyone talks macros and over analyzes the shit outta everything without the old good conversations of calorie density.

If you dont eat "calorie dense" foods while on a bulk, you will hate life after a while. Its truly difficult to eat 5K calories/day for an extended period of time and only "eat clean."

Im a fan of the old ice cream milk/protein shake. Can get a bucket load of calories in liquid form and make it enjoyable. Cheesecake is the same deal. Need to get calories in somehow and as long as protein targets are hit this form of "dirty bulking" makes it so you dont feel like a bloated trainwreck having to constantly eat. Im obviously not saying forever, but to hit calorie goals for a few months on a big bulk...yup!
@michaelkep the mass gained is largely due to the calorie intake. if you are in a caloric surplus, you will gain weight. now, if you want a portion of that weight gain to be muscle, you need to be lifting weights.

I lift only 4 times per week. upper lower upper lower. I used to do 6 day splits, but ive found 4 days to be more compatible with my schedule, and rest and recovery are better as a secondary benefit. My gains have been better on 4 days than 5 or 6, but this is obviously anecdotal and my own perception, so take that with a grain of salt.
@naomigabrielle Did you use a food diary to know you were in a caloric surplus? I don't do that so maybe it's a must that I do that since I've been stuck at 208 for a solid 5 weeks or something.
@michaelkep it is a must until you get a good understanding of calories. i dont need to anymore because i did it for close to a year straight. when i cut, i will still go and count calories though to be accurate. bulking has a little bit more flexibility