Eating more protein when you don't like protein

@skillz I do the isopure clear whey protein powder. You shake with water and it’s like juice. Then I add about a cup of diet ocean spray for extra fruity flavor. It comes in at 95 calories and 20g protein.
@skillz Look up collagen powders collagen peptides you can find one I think it's called Anthony's collagen type 1 and 3 it has protein in it and you can't taste it like you cannot taste it Just a hint in plain water and it's like is there something there no it's water Wait is it no it's water. You can pour it in your yogurt you can mix it into any drink juice whatever your coffee it doesn't matter that's an easy way to get protein.
@skillz Lots of good advice here! I’m also high protein and get tired of it so here’s a few things that help me change it up.

In case it hasn’t been mentioned: Unflavored whey protein powder (I use isopure, best tasting protein to cal ratio I’ve found). Super versatile, can be put into sweet or more savory situations without adding too much flavor/texture disruption. I add this to overnight oats, fruity smoothies (get those raspberries in, they have lots of fiber), etc.

Whole foods:

-Greek yogurt or skyr (a little more tart, fewer cals) are a game changer too. Can add to smoothies too

-Egg whites, adding eggs to stir frys, etc. I add nutritional yeast to eggs and have gone through 3 bags of it just w eggs this year so far, very delicious

-Lentils! I’ve been adding them to savory soups this soup szn. Cheap and filling, and what small flavor they add is great flavor in this setting

I don’t see a lot of dairy in your listed foods so I’d go for half a scoop of any whey powder and yogurt every few days to help ease your stomach into it.
@akbarkim2010 I kind of stopped eating yoghurt unless I made it into a dip because this one year I overdid yoghurt and got sick of it. Following that another year I was SO into smoothies but it triggered an issue with swallowing cold foods. So sometimes when I eat yoghurt now I cough. But I am thinking of getting back into it, I just won't eat it straight out the fridge, I'll add it to hot and savoury meals as a side etc. lentils is a good shout, how do you cook it when you add it to other foods? And what kind of meals do you add it to? Does it need to be pre-boiled or can it just cook through by sitting in a simmering sauce? E.g. a pasta sauce. I've only ever cooked lentil into dhaal but that's a tiny amount of lentils melted into a lot of water.
@skillz Easy protein snacks: bars, low-fat cheese sticks or slices (only low fat because you get more protein per serving), almonds/nuts, peanut butter and apples, Greek yogurt
@sk14 I'm wary of getting into peanut butter, I've been obsessed with it before and I feel like I'll end up having it too much. Maybe if I limit it to only eating it with apples once a day max, it might be okay.
@skillz I am the same. It’s so hard!

My diet tends to be this:

Breakfast: protein smoothie or protein pancakes (30-55g)
Lunch: chicken slices sandwich (20g)
Tea: either chicken breast with pasta or another kind of meat (25g)
@skillz I really like Oikos Greek yogurt - it has 15-20g of protein depending on the flavor.

I can’t have whey protein powder either so I like the chocolate Vega sport protein (pea protein)
@skillz Cottage cheese? You can have it sweet or savory.

I love sprinkling hemp hearts into everything.

Scallops are a nice easy protein source, fairly neutral in taste but can be jazzed up different flavors in salads or pasta.

Good luck!

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