Even though I was the lightest female there (53kg), I had the heaviest C&J (80kg) of all the ladies at my first Oly Meet!


New member
It's one thing to PR and nail a clean & jerk at your own gym where you have several tries & fails, but it's another to match close to that in a competition setting where your nerves are up and your adrenaline is pumping. This was my first olympic lifting style competition and I'm super happy with the results! I was also surprised that of all the girls of varying weights, I attempted and made the heaviest C&J.

I'm in the 53kg class - 116lbs - and ended the female C&J portion with 80kg. Here's a video of my final lift

My lifts were as follows (made all 6):
Snatch: 50kg, 53kg, 55kg
C&J: 72kg, 76kg, 80kg

I guess in crossfit, because everything is so standardized in terms of weight regardless of how big or small you are, I end up comparing myself all the time to ladies who are larger than me...if only everything were based on body weight :-/
@nico96 I have you tagged as someone who is my size and extremely, extremely strong and I love it when you post your PRs (I remember your strict muscle ups video). I'm also around 53kg and just starting to actually focus on olympic lifting a little more, and working towards a body weight c&j. Do you also do dedicated oly work outside of crossfit? Do you work with a weightlifting coach? Thanks for sharing the video!
@barefootnh I've only just done crossfit and my "coach" who programs at our gym isn't usually around to coach me due to our different schedules so he gives me and a couple other people some individual programming similar to what you would see at Catalyst Athletics (with clean pulls, 3 position snatch, etc) with a little more focus on strength. I ended up doing a lot of video taping of my form and watching it to critique myself often times.

My coach has actually told me to lay off a lot of the met-cons and wods with all body weight stuff and focus more on building up strength & oly lifts since that's where I need it most...in fact my programming has me doing at least some variation of a c&J or a snatch every day I'm on. A lot of the lifting is really technique and nailing the bar path and power of the second pull both on the c&j and the snatch.

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