People told me l’m doing junk volume. I’ve never seen such fast gains though

@thejustlivebyfaith Yeah that was a bad example. But on the other hand Arnold would train 5 hours per day, Michael Phelps 5-6 hours per day, Kyrie Irving 6 hours per day.

You tell me, is it that they are all genetically superior, or are they superior because they worked harder than everyone else? 9/9 jacked af natty guys I know all do 10+ hours per week. For years I thought I had bad genetics. Nope, just didn't know how far you could push yourself
@dawn16 I personally train 10 hours total (including other form of exercise) a week, but I believe higher duration should not usually be considered volume, more so a necessity. Intelligent programming and fatigue management will naturally lead to higher duration
@dawn16 Michael Phelps and Kyrie Irving aren’t body builders, we’re talking about muscle growth and hypertrophy. As for Arnold I guarantee you he would be the same size or even bigger if he did less. Second of all, are you Arnold? Stimulate the muscles don’t annihilate. Obviously you could do more but there’s a balance between muscle breakdown and growth and if you breakdown too much your body’s main focus is to use all its resources to get back up to baseline, making it harder to grow

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