

New member
So, as a complete rookie to weight lifting, I got my first couple sessions down and I love it. Everything is sore, but I feel great mentally and will keep going.

How soon could I expect to see some results?

More info:
Personal trainer designed a full body routine for me, will be doing this for the next 4-6weeks and get a new one after. 16 different exercises x 12-14reps x 3 times. I'm going every other day and give it my all. He did recommend not doing cardio on days off so I will not.
I'm 175cm (5"7), 58kg (128lbs), female. Very weak, did 0 push ups through the entire 27 years of my life.

So, due to how athrophied my muscles are, can I expect to see some gains over the upcomming weeks/months?
@joint_praise Generally it takes 3 months to see any changes in the way you're muscles look. However, I have clients who've crushed this general rule before so it could happen sooner. Strength gains actually come really fast! Less than a month I think and for sure you'll see gains in strength 👍
@joint_praise Probably 3-6 months at least to see visual changes from resistance training itself, provided you're working hard and eating right.

I'm not sure why your trainer recommended not doing cardio on your days off. Pretty much everyone should do cardio.
@dubschanging Good read, thanks, I will stick with PTs programme for now though. I have been doing cardio regularly up until now (training for 10k) so recovery between sets is not an issue really.

If I run into a caloric deficit he said it will take longer to see gains. Ultra marathon runners eat sufficient protein without supplementation and still lose muscle mass during marches. So it makes sense to me.

I'll start including brief and slow paced cardio (30mins, 5km) in a month or so if I start feeling stiff/want to get leaner :)
@joint_praise Cardio on rest days is good, even if it's just walking, it's called active recovery, although you are right. Stick with your PTs advice as there is a reason he recommended it. If he has tailored your nutrient targets based on your individual circumstance and activity levels according to his program, then you go and do more activities then you will be throwing things off and likely go into deficit like you said.
@kj77 Yea I walk dog for an hour each day, bike everywhere I go, used to jog regularly too. Accidentally lost 1kg since starting gym already. Was just curious as to when to expect visible results :)
@joint_praise It's going to be different for everyone, for me it was within first 3 months, but not that significant, and then at 6 months it was a big difference. Hope this helps
@joint_praise 3 months for me to see changes, 4 - 5 to really see my body had changed shape - added muscle. This is after 3 months of a hypertrophy focused cycle followed by a more strength based one. Not seen enough fat loss yet but my diet needs work.