

New member
Ok, I have to ask the ever reliable Reddit community. I’m a 36 y/o lifter weighing about 179lb. What should be legit expectations for common lifts? Bench, squat, deadlift, front squat, snatch, c&j. What would call consider intermediate, advanced, elite?
@neostarwcc 2nd the above, but it depends on if you’re taking about 1RM vs 3-5RM.

Also, getting 90% there is fairly achievable. That last 10% takes commitment and persistence.
@mnh84647 Yep, can confirm. Gonna be 52 next week. I didn't find anything resembling consistency until last year, and I'm 90+ percent there. Had to do some joint rehab here and there, and I'm long-limbed so it gets harder as the weight increases, but I'll be a solid 1/2/3/4 for a few reps shortly after New Year.
@mekon Awesome!

I have spondylolysis and I always start having issues when I go too heavy. I’ve actually completely stopped barbell and am focusing on bodyweight movements. My upper body is looking as good as it ever has, but it’s hard to get enough posterior chain work. I was doing kettlebell snatches and it flared up as soon as I sat down in the car 🤬
@mk101 How long have you trained

Everyones going to have vastly different expectations for others

Do you plan to compete if so look up the averages for your age and weight class
@dawn16 I plan to eventually compete as a masters in Olympic lifts. Currently sitting at a 1rm 170-175 snatch and 215-220 c&j. Honestly those are my main goals to improve.
@mk101 It's a general guideline. I'm sure if you asked a bunch of powerlifters they would probably give you a higher standard just like if you asked a regular joe that hits the gym twice a week you would probably get a lower standard.
just like if you asked a regular joe that hits the gym twice a week you would probably get a lower standard.

I feel like their standards are fairly close to "casual commercial gym standards", eg. their "advanced" numbers are something the most casual gymgoers probably won't ever hit but at the same time almost anyone who actually is focused and making serious effort to get stronger will reach relatively quickly.

I really dislike their use of the word "elite" though. To me elite would mean competitive at least at national if not international level. Calling numbers that a lot of regulars at any gym can hit "elite" just sounds silly, when you could be "elite" on their standards on all 3 powerlifts and place dead last on a small regional powerlifting meet.
@mk101 Who cares? Compete against yourself. Someone will always be stronger. The only question that matters is whether you are stronger than you used to be.