F (32) - first gym routine to avoid injury?


New member
I am skinny-fat (F30), rather flexible but low on stamina and scared of injury because of my age, poor fitness and weak knee that has already stopped me from running.

What's a safe way to starting routine? My goal is to lift weights.

I did couple of weightlifting classes years ago, very sporadically, and my body still shaped rather nicely in only 6 months; I want that again! However that was with an instructor and now I do not have the money/time. I can only use the little gym in my building which has some weights/tools but no support.

Any tips?

Running, before my knee failed, literally dragged me out of depression and I want to be healthy again.
@mattieshannon I really recommend watching Jeremy Ethiers/Built With Science videos on YouTube! Lots of high quality, easy to understand videos about workouts, nutrition and food. Everything he says is based on science with sources.
He has made a complete guide, with workouts, mealplan and nutrition guide that I recommend to everyone looking for guidence on their workout journey.
Sinne I’ve bought it myself, I got a referal code to give you 30% discount: ONPY1FLRVQ