Fatigue at gym during diet


as 26y/o male I started going to the gym 4 month ago (complete beginner) with a 3 times a week frequency. My training plan consists of a full body workout including 8 machine/cable exercises that usually take up between 1:15h and 1:30h. Since I was at an estimated body fat percentage of 35, (after loosing 20 kg probably at 30% now) I train at a daily caloric deficit of 600 to 750. The results seem to be good as I was able to add 5kg at major exercises every other week.

Now I have noticed that my energy level dropped heavily during workouts. Right after two or three sets of the first exercise of the day, I feel like ready to go home again. Since a couple of weeks results are stagnant. I'd like to share my train of thought with y'all. These are some questions and considerations about the course of action that I can take at this point:
  1. deload
Reading online I often see the sentiment that as a beginner (less than 1 year training) you don't need classic deload weeks as your body adapts faster than advanced ones who utilize a mesocycle plan meaning you could technically zoom trough the first 6 to 12 month without prolonged breaks.
  1. increase calorie intake
more food more energy - big brain. However, it is also recommended that 1% to 1,5% weight loss per week is a good amount if you are obese. In my case I would like to stay at the current deficit as I am loosing at a fast rate and don't feel crappy outside the gym. Also, loosing weight has a overall higher priority for me than excel at the gym.
  1. reduce volume
doing 1 set instead of 3 per exercise reduces the overall workload however, I heard that volume is superior for hypertrophy compared to set by set quality (e.g. close to technical failure, stretch etc). Therefore, getting most out of noob gains suggest to do more volume.
  1. remove exercises from plan
for example abs workout. since my high BF% it will require month and years of training anyway until reasonable abs will be visible meaning other than health reasons, I don't have a ton of aesthetic benefits from ab workout right now. Removing more exercises however will come at a cost of overall muscularity.
  1. restructure from full body to upper body
depending on goals like health, strength, mobility or aesthetics focusing on specific groups of muscle could be advantageous. currently, I just want to loose weight but to prevent a severe stage of skinny fatness I see the benefits to get more muscle as well. therefore, aesthetic focus makes sense which often means shoulders, arms and back only.

This is my train of thought and I'd like your input on it. Do I miss something? Is my analysis false? What are the best options right now and for the future as well?

Thanks for any input on that topic
@supportyourpresident if you cant recover from a ton of volume during your diet dont do a ton of volume. if you want to make more gains wait til you are eating more or lose slower. you cant really force a ton of gains via volume when you are dieting fast.
Also, loosing weight has a overall higher priority for me than excel at the gym.

You already know your priorities, apparently. Eventually you are going to stall when in a deficit - training when cutting weight is mostly done to keep as much muscle as possible. Keep lifting to the best of your ability. Are you getting enough protein to support your training?

Therefore, getting most out of noob gains suggest to do more volume.

Do remember you can't waste newbie gains. It's fine to just cut weight, lift what you can, and go heavier once you've dropped the weight you want.

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