CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

@maggiebode Did you check the sources? Guzey is a pretty well known skeptic in the area and lists all his sources which Walker doesn’t. Check those sources, the primary research and meta analysis, and you’ll see the data doesn’t support the narrative.
@oneworld I mean we can play this game. What is the reason we all need 7+ hours? The argument initially spurred from issues like cancer risk…but what’s the reason you’re thinking of.
@oneworld If you’re citing this, I’m going to assume you know what the RAND Appropriateness Method is actually used for and how this was a misapplication, right? In case you don’t, here’s something of note.

This is from the manual for the method:

The appropriateness method has been criticised on the grounds that the results obtained may well vary depending on the composition of the panel of experts selected, that is, the process may lack reliability.


They also further underline the fact that appropriateness criteria, by themselves, cannot be considered as a "gold standard" for practice decisions

So we have a method that was designed to look at surgical intervention appropriateness being applied to sleep duration while knowingly stating it’s unreliable.
@oneworld Also from the manual:

These results support the recommendation that expert panels should include participation from a variety of relevant disciplines.

You want to take a guess on if the panel in your paper come from a variety of disciplines?
@caleb_m So what other disciplines should’ve been on the panel? People that don’t study sleep? Some random dude that decided to sleep 4 hours a night and wrote a theory that because he felt he could function correctly doing that then it means everyone should?
@catherineone Box owner here so I am at my gym all day 5 days a week. Saturday mornings, and will tend to go in for an activity on Sundays. I typically take rest days once every few weeks because I’m busy. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that too many days with weight in a workout does me in REALLY quick. So about 60-70% of my training is cardio. I only touch a barbell 3 days a week. For me I love working out and being active and I found that if a majority of my training was low impact training I could maintain a high volume over a long period of time. There’s plenty of work that your body can handle without as much risk for over use.

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