Favorite Macro-friendly Meals on the Road??


New member
I’m on the road roughly 250-300 days a year and therefore constantly living out of hotels. Was curious what are some easy go-tos for others who travel frequently and don’t have access to full kitchens?

I usually stick to zero fat Greek yogurt (e.g. Oikos) and Premier Protein (+ extra ISO100 protein powder) in the morning to start my day with 85g of quick protein. I also buy microwave oatmeal, microwaveable vegetable packs, microwaveable frozen chicken or fajita steak, low sugar beef jerky, etc.

Any other foods/brands you guys look out for when traveling on a macro-conscious diet?
@scheidna Wraps. It's just a wrap+bag of salad+protein. I like Ole Extreme Wellness and Lavash Bread for wraps. Any bag of salad that has a decent dressing but you can buy your own sauce or dressing too. For protein I liked smoked salmon, canned chicken, deli meat, occasionally chicken tenders. Smoked salmon Cesar wrap is one of my favorites. There are endless combinations and you can get all the ingredients at a grocery store with no cooking required.