What are your favorite protein sources?

@blindly28 I splurge on Sun Warrior vanilla flavored powder. I make vegan pudding with it…. but normally I just use TVP due to price and versatility. either taco meat or burger patties most nights. I’m out of the habit but I used to make enough seitan to last a few days at once.
@sapiens I’ve never heard of that one. Though I feel like I’ve been saying that to every suggestion I’ve received on this thread lol. I’ll look into it, thank you!
@blindly28 Red lentil pasta is some of my favorite. Has great texture and has 25G of protein per serving. We typically get Barilla Red Lentil, it’s about $3/box.

My girlfriend and I have been experimenting with silken tofu as a base for creamy pasta sauce, and that right there will add protein in with your sauce as well.