Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

@poppy14 Today I was mirin' some beardbro squatting 295 lbs (134 kg) with good form. After my workout I realized that he was lifting over twice my body weight, and that I would never be able to squat what he squat. feelsbatman.png

This video gives me a little hope.

Also, any idea what her body weight is?
@jesus4l1fe Honestly, no. Neither of those say 182 to me.

It depends a lot on how tall she is. If she were 5'2", I'd guess low 130s based on that pic and those videos.

Obviously, I'm wrong and she's taller, but I'm wondering how much taller. 5'8"? 5'10"?
@christian6000 Yeah, I don't know where she puts it. She might be in that weight class, rather than at that weight? I'll see if I can find anything.

EDIT: A year ago, she gave her bw as 170lbs. That's at least more believable.
@poppy14 Derp. Thank you.

So that means she's only squatting... 2.75xBW.


Well, if she can do that, then I can at least work my way up to 1.5x. Little steps...