First Ever Open


New member
About 9 months into CF. Come from a weight lifting back ground. 325 Bench, 505 DL, 485 Squat.

28 M/5’11”/230 LBs.

I literally figured out how to do 10ish DU unbroken last week. Decided to give 24.2 a go RX and I managed 4 RDs + 25. I spent FOREVER on the DU getting anywhere from 3-10 per attempt, but I’m pleased with myself. I could’ve done 7+ rounds of singles, but I feel much more fulfilled doing the doubles. 24.1 I RX’d and finished in 14:55. It excites me to see how I’ve done through my first 2 open workouts. A year ago, I wouldn’t of finished 24.1 and I’m not sure I could’ve done 1 DU. I already want to fast forward to next year to see my progress!

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