Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?


New member
I have recently started incorporating SOME workout in my day (C25K) but I feel like I am not doing enough. Like my life otherwise is quite sedentary and I am thinking to incorporate a 30-40 minutes walk in my daily routine in addition to C25K. While I know I am just starting out and won’t push myself to do a lot and then burnout, I am still curious how I’ll manage it when/if I decide to. For context, I am single, have a cat, would be returning to a 9-5 job soon, but of course I cook, clean, do the dishes, shower, play with cat, get 8 hours of sleep, and in between all this I can’t even find time to read properly (a hobby).

So how do y’all multiple-workout-in-a-day folks do it? How many hours do you sleep, what does your life look like?
@heegar I don’t know if this is the answer you’re looking for because I don’t technically work out twice per day. I go to the gym only once per day, almost always to lift weights.

But at least 3 days a week in the winter and 6-7 days per week in the summer, I am active outside of the gym. This is usually either walking downtown and back from my house (~5 miles round trip) or riding my bike (up to 25-30 miles per day in the summer).

I am walking downtown to do things I would do anyways, like go to the grocery store or meet a friend for coffee. On my bike, I’m using that in place of my car.

So by just using my body to commute as often as possible, I often end up getting two or more “workouts” per day.
@kyrie_eleison Noooo, I LOVE this!! I was this person before covid, I bikes EVERYWHERE. It’s like I did not have feet/legs, I had WHEELS! It also helped that I lived and worked downtown both. Easily the best time of my life, not much thinking about “working out” ykwim?!

Thanks for sharing! I need to start doing this again starting with maybe finding a job downtown again.
@heegar Yeah, it can be hard if you live in an area with poor or no bike-friendly infrastructure. I actually do — I mentioned “downtown,” but it’s a small downtown district in a suburb about 25 minutes outside the nearest major city.

I actually have figured out bike routes that just cut through the residential side streets so that I can mostly stay off the major roads. Makes for a safe and much more enjoyable ride, but it does mean my rides tend to be a little less direct/time efficient.
@heegar Wake up at 445 - lift/core/stretch/10 to 15 peloton ride

Lunch/late afternoon - 30 to 45 min run (in training for a ten mile race so mileage/time fluctuates)

I also play on two beer league hockey teams. If I have a game I usually drop a workout since I have the game. Prior to the game I foam roll and use a theragun for a good 15 to 20.

The key I have found is proper sleep, eating (I rejoined weight watchers and dropped 15lbs so far), hydration and snack on real food not just protein bars or do some intermittent fasting. I also have a four and five year old that are active in sports. So the long and short, yes it can be done. It’s all about time management and even if a workout is 20 min it’s still better than nothing.

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