Former Athlete Current Couch Potato Beginning Again Question


New member
I’m your classic story of a childhood athlete succumbing to a couch potato lifestyle due to x,y,z reasons. I won’t bore you with the story. I just have one question about getting back into the “grind”.

I’m following an online workout routine and today was a legs workout. Lots of squats, lunges, burpees, etc. All body weight exercises, no free weights incorporated yet.

After 15 jump squats and about 12 walking lunges, my legs started to hurt. Not a dull, sore feeling, but almost a tightening up, cramping feeling. The only time I’ve had that happen before was when I was getting back into lifting and lifted too much too fast.

I was only about 3 minutes into my workout, but quit because I didn’t want to risk pulling something.

I will admit my warm up was only some dynamic movement. Can this pain most likely be chalked up to a non-existent warm-up? I also have very tight muscles, so I’m sure that’s not helping. This definitely wasn’t DOMS because it occurred on the first day of working out, during the workout, and subsided when I stopped.

What do you all think?

Thank you!
@mrmark That’s what I’m thinking too. I’ll make sure to keep drinking water and do less intense exercise more frequently to build up. Thank you!
@docrich People often mistake bodyweight training as easier and less intense than weight training, this is not always the case. Jump squats and burpees are plyometric exercises and are very demanding. Often people with an athletic background jump back quickly and things tighten up. I recommend a slower progression over 2 to 4 weeks focusing on less explosive movements and some balance and stability drill before adding jumping to your training program. I specialize in helping ex-athletes get back in great shape and am happy to help. DM or post additional questions if you have any.