Fran - 7:46 to 4:26 to 2:50


New member
If you've spent any time watching Fran videos on YouTube, you've seen amazing sub-three minute Fran times. One problem about those YouTube videos is that you only see the end result...aka the highlight reel. You don't see their very first awkward attempt at Fran when they first started CrossFit or all the work that went into improving their strength, technique, conditioning, nutrition, and mobility.

I recorded three of my brother's Fran attempts, from his first in 2012 to his most recent a few days ago and put them together into a single video so you can see just what it takes to get below three minutes.

Here is the comparison video:

Fran Comparison - 7:46 to 4:26 to 2:50

Here is a video of just the most recent Fran (from 3 angles):

2:50 Fran

Finally, here is his write-up on how to get a sub-three minute Fran: How to get a Sub 3-minute Fran
@smissy Awesome transformation but a lot of those thrusters were pretty high.. I doubt that would fly in competition.

The thing that sticks out most is his form in the recent attempt is so much better than the first two.
@insureman23 It's manageable with layers, space heaters, and gloves.

I get a membership at a local traditional gym for the really cold days. They have a rower and power racks so I'll just go do strength and intervals. I'm not gonna be that guy doing overhead barbell walking lunges through an anytime fitness.
@insureman23 Most of the time it's not too bad - stays around maybe 30-40 degrees in there with the heater going.

I wear baseball gloves because the bar is freezing and I'm fine in sweats and a long sleeve t-shirt once I get moving. But this winter we had a bunch of -20 degree days and I nope'd right on out of there.

You want to move here or you have to? haha