Free eBook, podcasts, and Financial Model for CrossFit Box Owners (no catch)


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Hey guys! A couple years ago I decided to apply my background in investment banking to my hobby for fun. My goal was to add value to the industry and sport I love if I could. If you own a CrossFit box or other type of gym (powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding club, etc.), my hope is that these resources could help you.

My background is as an investment banker primarily focused on consumer products and retail. I spend my days identifying businesses that would be attractive as investments. Obviously, investments must make money, so I am good at understanding what drives a business to do that. My partners for this project were Geoff Eliasson (former Junior National Champ weightlifter) and Travis Mash, owner of the well-known Mash Elite Performance.

We've sold quite a few copies of this book, but we've come to the realization that it would be better to give it away. We want to see strength sports succeed, be accessible to everyone, and maybe even sponsor amateur athletes for training at high levels.

Anyway, I'm not trying to sell you anything. Hopefully you find some of these resources interesting. Here they are:
We also interviewed a handful of owners of great CrossFit boxes, whom we recorded and gave us the okay to share. I can share the raw interview files if someone wants them. These are the interviews:
Many thanks to the box owners who so freely shared this information. I'm new to Reddit, but if anyone wants to track me down, feel free to do so through this thread or DM.
@tempytemptemp Thank you for sharing these resources! I'm not looking to start a gym anytime soon, but I am just getting into entrepreneurship and it seems like there is a lot of helpful information here.

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