@getbehindthebarn Alrighty dude so these were specifically left open and then example workouts used to hopefully illustrate possibilities.
Anterior and posterior refer to the front and back of your body respectively. Anterior core is going to be focused around abdominals and hip flexors while posterior is going to be lower back and glutes.
Anterior core might involve the hollow body, v-ups, L-sit, hanging leg raises etc. Anything involving body flexion. Posterior core might be arch body, reverse and normal hyper extensions, bridge work and back support holds.
For legs it would be quads for anterior and glutes and hamstrings for posterior.
So anterior dominant would be squats, lunges, pistols etc and posterior is hip thrusters, natural hamstring curls, straight good mornings.
I will be making videos to clarify this soon and an amended copy of the program will come out including these soon!
Hope that helps