I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

@peinopela I really like the "Pay whatever you want" model. I hope you can at least make a few bucks off it! And props for not slapping a ridiculous $60 price tag on it or something.

Earned an upvote.
@peinopela Thank you, looking forward to reading this. I've been doing the RR for about 6 months while cutting weight and have been thinking about what changes I should be making to RR as I go forward so this should be great to start with
@peinopela I am currently looking for a routine and I really appreciate the work you put into this.

Since I am a total beginner with almost no experience I would like to start in phases. For example:

Only handstand during the first two weeks. Handstand + mobility during week 3 and 4. After week 4 enhancing to your shown weekly split.

Not only from a physical standpoint but also from the amount of information I think that would be better for me.

Do you see any downsides or would you recommend anything else?
@stilts No worries. Umm I don't know why you would do it this way but I don't see anything wrong with it. I would probably recommend starting the program, when you do, with just 1 set per exercise for the first week just to get into it. Then increase like the periodisation indicates :)
@peinopela Its more a time question. It jus takes time to watch the videos and get used to the exercises, do them properly and memorizes them. When you are starting from zero the first workouts take significant longer thats more related to learning and doing it right not to the actual physic ability.

Thanks for the reply

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