I’m a 45m with a fairly decent history of gym attendance with a heavy focus on lifting.
I’m around 245, and using a eVolt scanner, I’m around 195 lean body mass. I’m looking to get down around 210 or so, so it’s not Terribly long journey.
I dropped to around 220 during the pandemic, a result of very little to do in the way of drinking or eating out, and rebounded with work stress causing bad habits. I find I just am not getting traction on losing weights this time around.
I’ve been trying to push closer to a 2lb a week deficit in calories (so roughly 2500 calories/day, 1.2g protein per pound). Mostly work from home, with a strength routine at a gym consisting of isolating routines (chest/shoulders, back, legs twice a week, then auxiliary movements or more shoulder work), basically a P/P/L split spread over 5-6 days a week.
I just feel like I can’t get more than a week into a serious push without mentally stalling, feeling like I see no changes, the scale fluctuates but stays relatively the same. Leads to mental fatigue and cheat meals/drinks.
Is it the age? Should I be backing off strictly to 2-3 sessions a week? Am I eating too low a calorie count?
Just feeling a little lost. Love the gym, would like to lean out after years of hard work and building a lot of strength.
I’m around 245, and using a eVolt scanner, I’m around 195 lean body mass. I’m looking to get down around 210 or so, so it’s not Terribly long journey.
I dropped to around 220 during the pandemic, a result of very little to do in the way of drinking or eating out, and rebounded with work stress causing bad habits. I find I just am not getting traction on losing weights this time around.
I’ve been trying to push closer to a 2lb a week deficit in calories (so roughly 2500 calories/day, 1.2g protein per pound). Mostly work from home, with a strength routine at a gym consisting of isolating routines (chest/shoulders, back, legs twice a week, then auxiliary movements or more shoulder work), basically a P/P/L split spread over 5-6 days a week.
I just feel like I can’t get more than a week into a serious push without mentally stalling, feeling like I see no changes, the scale fluctuates but stays relatively the same. Leads to mental fatigue and cheat meals/drinks.
Is it the age? Should I be backing off strictly to 2-3 sessions a week? Am I eating too low a calorie count?
Just feeling a little lost. Love the gym, would like to lean out after years of hard work and building a lot of strength.