Go from 225 - 275 bench 4 x 8


New member
Hello guys, I currently do close grip bench press and I’m able to do 225 for 4 x 8. If I want to at some point work with 275 for 4 x 8 what exactly is required? I have lifted for 12 years now consistently and I don’t have an advanced bench, while bulking multiple times. I currently weight 183-185 at 5ft 8in tall. I have done mostly upper lower split but more recently I’m doing push pull legs.
@backnforth You're saying you want to go from a 1RM of 290-300 lbs to a 1RM of 355-366 lbs?

That's a big increase.

A bench 1RM of 366 lbs at 183-185 lbs is really fucking good. You might not be able to get that strong naturally, or it might take a lot of powerlifting specific training and years of getting stronger.

I've benched 315 lbs for 3 reps at 183-185 lbs, and it really took me a lot of focus on bench. Things like benching 3x per week, removing shoulder volume from my program, and removing non-bench specific chest movements. In your case, if the goal is really trying to improve a 8RM, I would build strength in a lower rep range, and then switch to a high rep block, then switch back to strength, etc.
@backnforth I would focus on your bench technique instead of worrying about accessories. Specificity works better when you want one lift to go up. Secondly and no offense but I suspect something might be off with the way you bench or your method of progression if you aren't there considering how long you have been lifting.
@backnforth May need to implement some more complex periodization for that sort of increase. Apart from that just doing more variations and benching more frequently tends to drive bench up fastest for me personally. Where do you usually fail in bench? Try and work that range of motion more

example: weak off of the chest: pause bench, wide grip bench, dumbbell bench, weak lockout tends to be triceps so close grip bench, jm press etc
@backnforth If you are very strength focused on the bench you’ll need specificity and an increase in body weight. Channel effort/energy from accessories to more direct bench training. To be honest, that much of a weight increase, and coupled with that much volume is a big ask.