Good, cheap protein on Amazon and a heart rate monitor that actually works and doesn’t cost $500?

@ms7dc I've been dropping weight by subbing a meal each day with some protein powder and calorie counting. If you don't mind a shake, it's easy to make a good meal replacer drink even with powder you can buy at Walmart/Target.

I mix mine with a serving of powdered peanut butter for taste and because I tend to get vanilla flavors so it works well together.

But good luck!
@ms7dc OP, ease in to a better diet or you’ll freak out and eat a whole pizza. Try skin on chicken thighs, rice and a veg with seasoning. Eat it as a bowl and up your chicken count. It’s good for you and satiating. You need to learn good habits instead of a hard cut that your palate, brain and body aren’t used to.
@ms7dc Worst HR monitors just aren’t good. The optical sensor is vulnerable to all manner of interference. Chest strap is the way to go. One more vote for the Polar H10. Since it has Bluetooth and Ant+ its port flexible.

For protein, I mix in some psyllium husk. Add bulk without adding calories. Helps clean the pipes too!
@ms7dc I buy revolution nutrition, quite like it. Some of their products are available on Amazon, I buy direct from them though. Good sales.

I use a powrlabs chest HRM 1/2 the price of a polar. I own an Apple Watch but wanted something that connects to my rower and the spin bike for spin class.