Good, cheap protein on Amazon and a heart rate monitor that actually works and doesn’t cost $500?

@ms7dc I use Kaged Elite powder, two scoops in the morning in a shake with spinach, broccoli, strawberries, and banana, and another 2 scoops for lunch with pineapple, cauliflower, raspberries and blackberries. Keeps me full most of the day until dinner, but I also drink a ton of water during the day.

You don't want cheap protein powder though, it's full of all kinds of garbage that isn't healthy. Just compare the labels on the $19.99 protein powder you can buy at your grocery store with what is in the more expensive stuff and you'll realize how bad it is. Protein powder/supplements are really not a cheap habit either, especially if you consume a lot of them.

As for a wrist HR monitor, the Garmin watches are generally pretty accurate. I have a Garmin Instinct that I've worn for about 3 years now and it's within 1-2 bpm of my blood pressure monitor and chest strap whenever I'm running or biking. If you just want to use it while exercising, you can save money and just get a Polar or Garmin chest strap for under $100 on Amazon.
@ms7dc Check out true nutrition website. You make your own protein, it's not expensive, and you can add other vitamins and boosts. What I love about them is it isn't just prtien grams, bit the bio absorption that they describe and all the different types of protein and boosts to customize. Plus you can choose from lime 20 different flavors and sugar types.
@ms7dc Dont EVER buy ANYTHING from Amazon that is put into or onto your body. Amazon has a huge problem with counterfeit products in its market place. The problem is they dont always buy direct from manufacturers. They often have to buy from 3rd party distributors who in turn are responsible for verifying the product...which doesnt always happen. When Amazon buys protein for example, it assumes the product they got from the 3rd party is legit and it just gets tossed into the pile. Anyone can make a plastic bottle with protein in it, copy the label and sell it to a shady 3rd party who then sells it to amazon.