Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

@mariajo Descending pyramid with a unilateral exercise such as Bulgarian split squats, lunges, reverse lunges, them follow up with goblet squats or sissy squats to failure.
@mariajo a descending pyramid is kind of like a drop set. Doing the squat right after as a drop set would be murder. probably just do one set.

Then you could do it again a couple minutes later
@mariajo I’d do a mix of barbell squats, goblet squats, lunges, romanian deadlifts, bulgarian splitsquats. You’re probably gonna have the hardest time with calves though unless you have great balance. Also, i feel like lunges and bulgarian splitsquats are best if you feel like trying something different. You only need dumbbells and with proper form you’re not gonna be able to walk afterwards.
@mariajo I’ll repeat a few you mentioned but

For quads :

Goblet Squats (I prefer heels elevated)
Bulgarian split squats (will hit glutes as well)
Single Leg Box Squats

For Hamstrings :

RDLs (honestly all I would do)
Nordics (great exercise but most people do them incorrectly, I’d get a monkey foot and do standing curls if it’s in the budget)

For Calves :

Standing Raises (hold dumbells)
Seated Raises (put a plate on your knees)
@mariajo Split squats but also elevate your front foot, this allows for more ROM as your back knee can really get down there. These are KILLER, I've been lifting for over 10 years and doing these with solid form with 40lbs will kill me.

Another is Ham curls on an exercise ball. These are radically underrated IMO. Keeping your butt upp the whole time keeps isometric tension on the hams from the hip, then the curl contracts from the knee. Again, done with correct form a set of 12 will liquidate hams.

Also you could set up belt squats with a barbell like this.

I did this for about a year before making a more specific lever out of some 2x4s but this will get the job done.

You can also get cheap belt squat attachtments like this one for around $70

I feel you as another Homegym enthusiast with minimal equipment hitting legs can be hard!!!
@mariajo If ur in a open space when u fail the squat youd just drop the bar and nobody doing more than 1 set of squats to actual true failure so you won’t needa worry about reracking
@mariajo Kickstand squats, goblets, lunges, good mornings, a million deadlift variations. Toe squats (great for the feet and quads but do them light to start and always barefoot.
@mariajo I know its an unpopular opinion on this sub but you can safely fail a set of squats and it is a skill most serious lifters should learn

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