Good goals to work toward (3-6 months)?


New member
36/F here- I just started working with a trainer to get stronger and healthier. I'm starting a lifting program and we are also addressing my nutrition/relationship with food. I want to lose weight in the process of getting healthy, but I don't want to make my goal "lose 20lbs" or "get to x weight." I think I will be more successful if I am working toward something centered around strength or fitness/health rather than just a goal of making myself smaller. Does anyone have some ideas of things I could realistically work toward in the 3-6 month range?
@atlkate Weight loss is the easiest thing to set a reasonable and obtainable goal. Don't think of it as "making yourself smaller", think of it as making yourself healthier (assuming you are overweight). This is all done through your diet anyway.

But speaking of diet, maybe you could have a goal of cooking more meals at home, cutting back on sugary drinks, etc. like set a number value to it. "I'll cook at home 5x a week"

For lifting goals, it's hard to say how much progress you can expect in such a short time. You could take what you're doing now and maybe aim for adding a certain amount of weight to your big lifts. Your trainer may have better insight on what goals to set.

Or maybe you can have consistency goals. Like set a goal to lift 3x a week and get at least 2x a week cardio days or something like that. Nothing unreasonable, but maybe enough of an added motivation to stick to it?

Goals with a number attached are often better goals because they can be measured. A goal like "get fitter" is vague. What's your metric? How can you show you've improved on a week to week basis? So just something to keep in mind