Got some question about my current bodyweight routine, any answer will be appreciated

@seniabg yes! Its great for upper chest, in my case I hate push ups... vast majority of time I only do pull ups and variations then 4 sets of dips and I have a very nice chest
@korni This workout looks so boring... how do you stick with it? I have downloaded caliverse and do level 9 Starting Strength.. looks like the same caliber.. i totally recommend.. completely free.

At the minimum you should be adding handstand pushups, pseudo planche pushups, 90 degree holds, L Sits, and Toes to Bar.. there is a lot of muscles your completely missing out on.

Your not going to get your chest big unless you buy some dumbells or a bench. I lift mon wens fri, do calisthenics tu thurs sat, and row 20 minutes / 20 min ab everyday.
@dawn16 Thank you for your advice.

I already do toes to bar when I train abs, along with other ab excercises using the bar. Which upper muscles wouldn’t I be training for you? I think the basics cover pretty much everything except for the side delts perhaps, that’s why I’m thinking about adding lateral raises.
@korni Other than supermans, what are you doing for your core? Lower back? What about adding reverse hyper extensions, L sits, body delt raises, windshield wipers, side plank variations. Wide pushups (for shoulders). The issue i see is that its very hard to progress on the bar unless you focus more on core and back.. if you dont have any desire to progress on the bar then disregard this.

I think lat raises would be a good exercise to add. Would this be with a db? Pike pushups are great for the shoulders.

I still think if you want to get your chest big you need to add dumbell and barbell workouts. Imo nothing matches bench for your chest.
@korni Cable crossovers or ring chest flys are good for chest hypertrophy, however I wouldn’t superset them with a push exercise. Rather with a pulling exercise
I've tried to keep push and pull excercises really balanced, have I done the same with anterior and rear delts? I’m really aware of the issues unbalance can bring, and is the medial delt stimulated rather well with the reverse flies?

You'll likely be fine without direct medial delt work as long as you get enough recovery from the other movements.

My chest has always been my lacking part, so I was thinking of supersetting 2 sets of pushups with cable crossovers: will it be too much volume to handle or will it be just fine? I’d do that only 2 days out of 3.

Before you add something else, I think it's usually a good idea to try tweaking what you're already doing so you don't add unnecessary volume. In this case, you could do your pushups with your hands a bit elevated so your chest can go BELOW your hands each rep and that would give your chest a stretch at the bottom and more stimulation.
@korni What’s your diet like bro? I’ve been curious to know what people who exercise regularly eat both pre and after their workouts. Congrats on your physique and maintaining it!
@shanan I usually train before lunch or dinner so I eat that after workout, while before I usually eat some fruit or bread and some protein source. I don’t really follow a diet by the way or count calories, I just eat whatever I want but I manage to keep my nutrition really really clean. Also, as much as I don’t starve myself I don’t eat a ton, that’s for sure.
@quaythuxsmb During kickboxing classes we do lots of abs as a part of the conditioning workout, consisting of crunches, planks, side planks, knee-to-elbow crunches, flutter kicks, heel taps and toe touches. 2 mins plank and 10 reps of the others without rest, 2 sets usually. So that’s it 2 days out of 5.

The other days I pick 3-4 abs excercises, do 10 reps each without rest, then take 30 secs of rest. Repeat it 3-4 times. I try to pick abs done at the bar, like leg raises, hanging corkscrews, windshield whipers, toes to bar, flutter kicks, in and outs and around the world, but I also like ab wheel rollouts, gymnast tucks, v-ups, star crunches, screwdrivers and serratus crunch pulldowns.
@korni If you were to add a T/TH leg day to this routine, what would it look like?

Also what do your ab workouts every morning look like? Are they the same thing everyday?