Having a hard time staying at 1200 calories


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Hi I’m having a hard time staying at 1200 calories especially days when I exercise. I try not to eat back all my exercise calories but end up kind of binging when I get back from a workout. I usually try to an hour of exercise a day whether it be on the elliptical or running outside or some sort of at home work out like Pilates. And when j do eat back some calories I feel incredible guilty and even more so when I step on the scale and see no change. It’s so hard being patient sometimes. Should I try to stay at 1200 and not eat back anything? Does anyone do this and if you do, how?
@canick Hi! I don't know your current height or weight or what your goals are but I found that at 5'2 and exercising each day that 1200 calories just wasn't enough for me to function. I would feel ravenous and a little off all the time. I upped my calories to 1650 and while I'm not seeing a lot of scale movement, the non-scale victories are showing up! I feel like I can manage my workouts, I'm less fatigued, and I'm more toned. Be patient and listen to your body!
@canick Hey there, let's not be too hard on yourself, otherwise you won't be able to make the changes you need to make, because of disappointment. I eat about 1200 to 1300 calories a day. The way to make this sustainable is by volume eating, that way you eat less calories for more food. Volume eating is basically eating large amounts of low calorie foods.I mainly stuff myself with low calorie vegetables, fruits and meats! Check out the r/volume eating for recipes! Trust me volume eating is the way to go or you are gonna binge and never feel full! I've been there and done that so I get you! Good luck in your journey!!
@lisasummer2012 Here's a sneak peek of /r/Volumeeating using the top posts of all time!

#1: I made cauliflower buns! They look and taste disgusting! Also they aren't volume eating because this little sh*ts turned out to be 119 calories per horrible piece. | 126 comments

#2: Amazing volume! | 46 comments

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@canick Don’t feel stressed. 1200 really isn’t enough for a lot of people. I’m 5’0, 115 lb and 1200, even on my couch potato days, is too little. I think you should up it to 1300 or maybe 1400. Do you know how many calories you’re burning day-to-day?
@rnccrn9706 I don’t have a Fitbit or Apple Watch or anything that tells me how many calories I burn. The only thing that tells me is if I do HIIT on the elliptical and I burn about 500+ calories when I do an hour. I know machines are usually way overestimating though
@canick If you are exercising it might be good to eat a little more that day especially after a workout thats when I am the hungry otherwise I end up binging at the end of the day
@canick When I was on weight watchers, we were told that it’s important to eat more when we exercised. Your body needs more energy when you exercise.
@canick I can only stick with 1200 when I eat between 10-7 or 11-8. It’s a lazy form of intermittent fasting. And it helps me to not snack.

Also some days I go over 1200, especially if it’s period time. Good luck ☺️
@canick Are you upping your protein on workout days? I find that a small carb-protein snack reduces my cravings and I'm less likely to binge. It does cost a few calories, but I'm the end i feel better and don't binge.