Having trouble losing weight


New member
I am 5’10 205 and I lift 4 days a week doing
M: shoulders and arms
T: back
W: legs
Th: chest and arms
F/Sat cardio
And I try to walk daily.

My goal is to be closer to 175

Based off of TDEE calculator I started eating 175g of protein and ~2k cals per day.

I have been at it about 1 month and am not seeing any progress and it is getting pretty disheartening.
Is 2k too little? Do I need to eat less? Eat more? Change my split?

Thank you in advance!
@eyore I track (conservatively) 80-85% of the time. I eat mainly meat/fruit occasionally some nuts and protein bars or shakes. Weekends are the times I don’t track as well and I try to weigh out most/all food
@forjesus82 Are you looking at things like sugar and fat intake as well? Some of the protein bars in the market may as well be candy bars. I wonder if things like that may be making it more difficult. I’m also curious how far/fast you are walking and what your workout routine looks like. Without that, it’s tough to tell how many calories you’re burning compared to what you’re taking in. And you said you eat a lot of meats. Do they tend to be lean meats or fatty? Lots of stuff goes into the equation. If you’re eating 2k mostly clean calories a day, walking a good distance every day and working out hard 4 x a week to ensure you’re burning more than 2k a day, I’d be surprised if you didn’t start shedding weight pretty quickly. If not, I’d look to make some adjustments. Good luck!
@forjesus82 Work your way closer to 200g protien and 2800-3k and you'll see what you're wanting. Don't be afraid of the carbs, just keep them clean ish, and no less than 60g of fat per day from the right sources.
@forjesus82 Hey, is your main goal just to lose weight or to build muscle at the same time? If you want to add muscle mass and lose weight, then you have to change your workout split. Training for example the chest once a week is not ideal for building muscle. You should train your muscles twice a week, so consider a push-pull-legs workout plan. I recommend watching Jeff Nippard for advice on good exercises and proper form, but more importantly, choose exercises that you enjoy to stay motivated.

Have you been weighing yourself every day and not losing any weight? If so, you may be consuming too many calories. Pay close attention to the calories you consume, as the 15% you may not be accounting for could be the reason for not losing weight. Use an app to track your daily calorie intake and consider incorporating cheat days, maybe one day every two weeks, to stay motivated. The cheat day shouldn't be a free-for-all, aim for a 15% calorie deficit while lifting heavy weights to maintain muscle mass while losing fat. If you cut calories too drastically, you may end up losing more muscle than fat. The most important thing is to stick with these changes for the long term. One month is not enough time to see significant results. For example, your belly is often the first place you gain fat and the last place you lose it, so focus on the scale rather than how you look in the mirror.
@torrance55 Thank you for the well thought response. Truthfully I just want to get more toned/look and feel more fit. I used to be in great shape as an athlete and want to get closer to that. I have just let myself go post athletics. Not necessarily looking to get super big or anything, just more toned if that makes sense!
@forjesus82 I understand that you want to look lean and fit. It's hard to say what the best approach for you is without seeing some pictures of you, but I still think that what I explained is the best approach. I would stick to it until I have the body I want, and after that, you could learn how to maintain that body type.

What you want is to lose fat and maintain muscle mass or build a little bit of it. You will not get big easily in a calorie deficit.
@forjesus82 Give it more time. 1 month isn't that much time. You should be losing weight at 0.5-1lb a week, so that's only 2-4lb. That progress can easily be hidden by water weight.