Help a busy dad stay sexy?

@grandslam Thanks! After I wrote that I was like fuhhhhhhh. This guy is only getting four hours and I’m telling him to get his butt to the gym haha. That’s great things are on the upswing! It’ll get better and honestly I’m amazed at your dedication even with the health problems you mentioned with the kids. Do your best and you are already doing great, Dad. Those kids are lucky to have you!
@grandslam Not to discount the value of calorie counting, but I think the value is misplaced. You will never get an accurate “down to a single calorie” count for any given food or meal. Instead, it can give you a good luck at the bigger picture.

So when time is the premium, and I can relate on that part…meal prep is your best friend. The difference in time required to cook one serving vs, say, 5-7, negligible at best. Standardize your diet. Yes, you will still (at least loosely) “count calories”, but once a week vs every single meal. And the cooking/prep time is significantly lower by doing all the cooking on Sunday (or whatever one day per week).
@nothingtoknow Thanks, this is really good advice that I’m not going to take. Because we have a toddler, we don’t meal prep. Instead, we try and eat as wide and varied a diet as possible to encourage food adventurousness. But you’re right! Of fitness was my real priority this is what I would do. We use a rotating, two week menu of fresh cooked, veggie heavy meals
@grandslam Fellow dad and boulderer! V9 is freaking beast. If I was as vicious as that, I’d get back to the gym asap.

Honestly I don’t count, I’m too busy — I eat intuitively and just scarf down protein, veggies, fruits and carbs (when I really get cardio in). Whole food, no processed foods and no sugars

Get back to the dynos and v9 bro. Crush those v3s to give that boost of confidence and start shredding 💪🏽💪🏽
@trey333 Is this the way? Better living through banning processed foods? I mean…I could see how that could work. In general I struggle with moderating Oreo intake but saying “no” is pretty effective for me. Goes against conventional wisdom tho
@grandslam My bad, what I said is not completely accurate. Meant to say *minimally processed foods. Stuff like cheese is processed, I still go hard on parmesan

It’s all about calories in and calories out. It’s a trade off when you say yes to Oreos — just know that you’ll have to sacrifice calories elsewhere