Help! I live 50 miles from the nearest gym


New member
I live in a tiny mountain town 50 miles from the nearest gym.

I’m 58 years old and have recently listened to 30 lbs just getting my hormones and thyroid regulated, however, I have more to lose and I am getting flabby.

Are there any completely free apps (no in app purchases or subscriptions) that I can get to work out at home using my own body weight? (I’ve tried google but it just sends me free apps that have in app purchases or subscriptions) Sadly I don’t have room for much equipment other than some dumb bells or kettle weights, resistance bands etc.

Any resources, advice etc would be greatly appreciated!
@kersh Personally, I just watched many YouTube videos for exercises to target different areas and this way I can see which exercises I like and see myself doing. I just pass over the ones I don’t feel I’ll do. In other words, I don’t follow one video or method. I have designed my own workouts.
@kersh Boost camp is free, will journal your workouts, and has body weight routines.

Jump rope is the cheapest cardio equipment that takes very little space.

Resistance bands are cheap and easily stowable. You can get inexpensive knockoffs on Amazon of the expensive Harambe and X3 systems. Clench Fitness is halfway between the cheap Amazon stuff and the top tier stuff.

A pull-up bar doesn't take too much space and doesn't cost much.
@kersh I would combine that pull up bar with your resistance bands to assist with your pull-ups.

Here’s some links showing how to progress in your pull up campaign and some band workouts:

Strictly band assisted work outs:

@kersh Good luck! It took me six months to go from skinny fat to something I'm comfortable with. Not every exercise will click with you. Don't be afraid to swap out exercises that don't work for you with ones you enjoy.
@kersh Also check out re-sale places like Craigslist. You can find cheap workout stuff that people sell bc they never use it or are moving. Easy to wipe down/disinfect when you get it home.
@kersh There’s a MILLION things to do with your bodyweight and a million more if you create yourself a home gym. Not all home gyms have to have squat racks and deadlift platforms. I have a great little home gym with all the cardio equipment you’d need - treadmill, elliptical, Spinning bike and rower. I don’t personally have them, but a set of Bowflex adjustable weights, resistance bands, incline bench, an adjustable step…the options are endless!
@kersh Just out of curiosity, if you live in a tiny mountain town, can you make some room outside? Or add trail running to your routine?
@ann72 Not really. Our lot is small and not fenced. People steal anything left outside sadly. I could walk, but we get tons of snow in the winter so outdoor trails are not passable then. Spring/summer I can walk but I want to add things besides walking that I can do when it’s too cold to be outside.
@kersh The Bowflex adjustable weight and resistance bands would take up a 2’ area, at most. Literally a corner of a room. You can start to build with body weight, but if you are looking to grow and increase mass, you are not going to do it without increasing weight.
@kersh As the others have said, many YouTube videos describe workouts with no equipment at all (bodyweight) or just dumbbells. Two I like are Athlean-X and Hybrid Calesthenics. The former may be a bit too intense, but the latter is super mellow and chill and supportive, and can take you from beginner to advanced with no weights at all. If you have a place to put a doorway pull-up bar, I'd strongly recommend adding that to the dumbbells.