Help. I need more strenght and more gains. 3yo of lifting


New member
Hi, this is me
I'm 28yo Height 184cm ( 6,04 ft) Weight 82kg (180lbs) BF: I don't know, my abs are ok so I think 10/12%
I'm writing this post 'cause I'm in trouble. I read every day about lifting, I know the most famous routine training (sheiko, Bill Starr, Madcow, Strong Lift, Hatfield, P.H.A.T etc) but my body doesn't change. I got 8 kg in 3 years and it's ok, but now my progresses stopped.
I used split routine, than I changed (after a ton of study) in a multifrequency training.
I'm natty and I don't want to use steroid (I thought about Sarms, I thought a lot, but I'm xxxxx scared)
My 1rm are: Bench press. 95kg (209lbs) Back squat: 125kg (275lbs) Deadlift: 160kg (352lbs) Bent over row: 90kg (198lbs)
my training program is something like that:
Mon wed and fri
Squat 5x5 Bench press 5x5 Bent over row 5x5
After 5x5: on monday I do: Incline dumbbell press: 4x10 26kg (57 lbs) dumbbell flies 3x15 (28lbs) push ups to failure Barbell curl 3x10 dumbbel curl 3x15
wed: chin ups 3xmax (my chin ups suxxx, I'm able to do 5 or 6) cable row 3x12 w 132lbs one arm dumbell row 3x12 w 52lbs dips 3xmax rope push down 3x15 w 40lbs
fri: Overhead dumbbell press 3x10 w 42lbs side lateral raises 3x12 leg press 3x10 leg ext 3x12 leg curl 3x12 calf
I tried to train with high volume with a classic bro routine but my endurance is weak and exercise by exercise my lifts shut down; Furthermore I read that training muscle once/week is ok for people who have an high protein sysnthesis (so, doped) and that 4 a natty the best is to train 2 o 3 times a week with compound exercise.
But I feel weak, I know my body isn't born to lift, I'm long-limbed, my wrist is small and my 5rm and 1rm sucks.
Have you some advice for me?
How can I do to improve my gains and my strenght?
@ajdlga Firstly, don't let yourself get demotivated! You look pretty good and you will continue to improve if you continue to work hard and read the research.

Nutrition and sleep are usually the limiting factors when you seem to be doing everything right but aren't progressing. So make sure you're getting enough calories, and maybe try upping the protein (the science on how much you need seems to vary greatly but it won't hurt to err on the side of plenty).

As for training, my personal belief based on reading as much research as I can get my hands on is that frequency may be slightly better, but it shouldn't make a huge difference. Volume per week is the most important thing; maximum recoverable differs from person to person but aim for 20 sets per body part (and count exercises that use a muscle as a secondary mover for about 1/3, so if you do 10 sets of bench a week call that 3 sets for triceps). I personally do Upper-Lower-Push-Pull because my current schedule basically limits me to 4x a week and my legs are not a priority currently.
@ajdlga Eat. The reason you've only gained 8kg in 3 years is because you haven't eaten enough. No program can make up for poor nutrition.

As an example, I'm 6'4 too, and I've only been training seriously for just over a year and weigh 90kg with similar lifts to you. Aim to gain 0.5kg-1kg a month, 300kcal over your TDEE should accomplish this.
@dawn16 This is true.
I know my maintenance is around 2600kcal.
My better results were 2 years ago, 4kg in 5 months, I eaten 3000kcal (50 cho 30 fat 20 pro in %)
Now I'm so unmotivated that I dont care much nutrition, cause I have always the feeling of getting something wrong in my workout.
I don't know how workout can work on me despite my bench, my deadlift, my squat and my row have performed really well