Help needed


New member
Guys one question so i decided too bulk again cause i was doing a 30day 5mg lgd cycle just too See how it Works , i got nothing from it maybe bunk maybe the Effect is away Cause i hav lgd pills and i opened a year ago i heard cause of the air and all That it can be like a foul product i Hope its understandable .

Im 1,84cm weight 75-77kg

Nothing Change since the Start of lgd

My Training looks like:

1th Chest tri and schoulders
2th back biz and neck + schoulders (back delt)
3th Pause and repeat as Long i dont got Heavy muscle pain u know

Would u say its overtraining? Or i Need just More calories Cause i feel sumtimes only protein dont affect me enough but when i eat carbs im so motivated power fullness etc

Protein 150-200g

Carbs was like 50-80

Fat intake was so low i would say 10g per day

I just heard: yeah fuck all that Other shit just eat enough protein and u get big 😹

So what would u say guys any tipps 4 me or critics aswell? Love yall thanks 4 incoming answers will try to answer back ♥️🏋🏾‍♀️

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