High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

@horation You can see it in the video. The longer the set goes the more your upper back is rounding. If using narrower hand position doesn't work you could even look up instead of forward because the back might naturally follow what the head and neck are doing.
@horation Kind of. It may or may not use more spinal erectors (it does for me because I have long ass femurs,) but...the load is spread a lot more evenly with a low bar squat to the point where it's more fatiguing overall due to the added weight and load on more muscles.

I'm more posterior chain dominant (my deadlift outpaces my squat greatly,) so I prefer HBS for my quads.
@horation You people all really squat a lot of weight. I am decently built for my frame(6'3”, long arms and legs, 220 lbs at 12-15% bf) legs included. I could never get above 175 lbs FOR REPS, ever.

Some naturals are pumping out 315 with only a few years of training. I know I shouldn't compare myself to people built to squat, but damn if my numbers have always been discouraging.

Squatting more than my bodyweight, how TF do you do that? Just had to milk the leg press and leg extension.
@tsnkongho I’m 6’3 and routinely squat in the 315-405 range, for 8-15reps (on which weight i choose). It just takes practice. I was just very vigilant with learning how to squat heavy and with good form
@horation Keep your chest up, look straight ahead, and keep your core braced. Let your knees travel over your toes, focusing on bending those knees. Keep your center of gravity forward and not on your heels.