High BF% not overweight


New member
I have been dieting with a calorie deficit for a few months now.
I jog/walk 3-4 miles every day and average over 10k steps daily for over 2 years now.
I do weight training 3x weekly with egym weight machines using the muscle build format. It kicks my butt!
I’m currently at BMI 24.3 so I’m not reslly overweight but I’m working on losing another 15 pounds.
Despite all of this my % BF is at 36%. This is an improvement from what it last was on a Dexa scan (40%)
Is it unusual to have such a high BF when I’m not that overweight? Is it possible to improve my muscle mass while I’m in calorie deficit with weight training?
@roarke To answer your original question - it’s entirely possible for people new to strength training to gain muscle while in a deficit. However In this case, your age and gender are working against you. Your protein intake is a bit on the low side but within reason. If you are in fact losing muscle, I would suspect it’s because you are cutting too aggressively and/or not following a good program in the gym or not pushing yourself hard enough when you do lift.
@anne_l These could all be possible.
Right now because I’m new at weights I’m just doing the machines but it’s a pretty structured, automated program with regular strength tests and alternates adaptive, negative and “explonic” every two weeks.
I’m not sure what to do about the deficit because if I want the scale to move and have a deficit I just can’t eat many calories
@roarke Impedance scales are not very accurate. Pay more attention to the trend than the actual value. You could still be at 36% fat if you are under muscled. It’s possible you are losing muscle along with fat. How much protein are you eating? What is your rate of weight loss?
@anne_l Im definitely losing some muscle mass but im not sure what to do about it.
My average from my start date of 3/11 is 1.6 pounds per week but my current rate is 1.1 pounds per week.
I’m trying to max my protein with a goal of 100g but my calorie intake is low so it’s not easy. I eat a ton of grilled chicken, tuna, shrimp, steak, eggs, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese with and occasional protein drink or chike protein coffee
@roarke Well, on the bright side, if the scale is right, you’ve lost more fat than lean tissue. Keep in mind that lean tissue includes everything that isn’t bone and fat - so skin, internal organs, etc. Also your glycogen stores will drop in a deficit, which will increase the body fat readings on the scale. So the loss of lean mass isn’t all muscle.

The higher the rate of loss, the larger the deficit, the more likely you are to lose more muscle. 0.5 to 1% loss per week is the general recommendation to minimize muscle loss, with being closer to 0.5% leading to less loss. You could decrease your deficit so you are closer to the 0.5% rate, which would allow you to also get more protein. 100g/day is a reasonable amount, especially since you’re getting it from good sources, but another 10-15 grams could help. Also, as we age, it takes larger servings of protein to trigger muscle protein synthesis, so try and get at least two meals a day with a minimum of 25 grams of protein.
@roarke Did you weight the same 3/11 as when the Dexa scan was taken? How do you know your body fat % wasn’t 42 or 44% when you started the cut? Why do you think you’re losing muscle?
@anne_l My weight was pretty close to the same though the Dexa was last July.
I think I’m losing muscle because I’ve been doing monthly inbody scans, which while not nearly as accurate as a Dexa, is accessible and I have unlimited scans available.
It has indicated a muscle mass decrease. When I started it said my muscle mass was good and now says I need to gain 4 pounds in muscle mass
@roarke The only number on your scale I would say is accurate is the weight. I have an impedance scale as well. I am the same weight now as I was in Oct 2022. My chest, shoulder, bicep and thigh measurements are all larger now than they were where in 2022. However according to my scale I have gained exactly 0.0kg of muscle and 0.5kg of fat. Have you been adding weight to your lifts in the gym? If yes, you’re probably not losing muscle.
@anne_l I have an impedance scale at home and use the inbody at the gym. I thought the inbody would be more accurate than my scale but who knows.
I am adding weight, I fact in all my strength tests today I went up!
@roarke I too have worked out hard and constantly and cut calories with little results. Have you tried intermittent fasting? Only when I started did I see some positive results on the scale.
@enquizzicalpeep Thanks! I have tried it and think it has some benefit, mostly because it keeps me mindful of my grazing.
My main problem right now isn’t getting the scale moving as much as my concern about my body composition.
@roarke The grazing is a hard thing to stop for sure! Adding muscle will take a bit of patience unfortunately. You have been mindful of your protein intake but maybe more is needed based on your current weight? I think there is a formula for that.
@roarke The grazing is a hard thing to stop for sure! Adding muscle will take a bit of patience unfortunately. You have been mindful of your protein intake but maybe more is needed based on your current weight? I think there is a formula for that.
@roarke If you're 5'6 and 148 lbs then you're within the "normal" range of BMI at least according to this. You have to take into consideration that the BMI isn't the greatest health metric because it doesn't take account for body composition(muscle, fat, bone, boobs). Because of those factors you can be in a good BMI range but still be "Skinny Fat".

I've never heard of these Egym machines so I did a quick look and........ it's not the type of weight training that I would recommend because it looks like what some of us call Junk Volume. Example: You can do Battle Ropes until you pass out, but you aren't going to get much increase in muscle mass from doing them. How many sets/reps are you doing for each muscle group? I hope this helps, if you have any questions, just ask.
@sanj79 They are basically like cybex type machines but are automated so they adjust the weight, and equipment to you when you scan in. It also keeps track of workouts and gives a controlled lift and release guide on a screen
So are you against using machines of any kind?