High Blood Pressure from KB’s

@jimpncc I would go to the doctors and go from there. Healthy diet and exercise definitely help with BP issues, but genetics and other issues will still present so would recommend getting checked out
@jimpncc How old are you? I’ve been fighting the high blood pressure and high cholesterol demons for years. My doctor has warned me that at some point age wins and I’ll have no choice to go on medication.
@jimpncc I’m in my late 30s and was told that most likely that at age 45 will be the time I begin to transition to light dosing meds. There are some things where genetics will win out.

Like you I’m able to control my BP through good sleep and regular exercise. My cholesterol is controlled through a healthy diet of less than average animal protein and tons of veggies. Father Time will eventually get to us.
@romane91 Tell your doctor to go to hell. High blood pressure isn't something that is inevitable for you. Sleep, good quality food, activity, and intermittent fasting works.
@romane91 I had high blood pressure and cholesterol issues until age 50 before I tried going plant based. I tried keto, carnavore, pescatarian, sad, etc before that so why not. My bloodwork has improved for the last 4 years and am in a healthy level for both. Better than taking medications.
@romane91 Consume 2 raw garlic cloves in the morning on an empty stomach….peal the garlic ..crush it..let stand for at least 10 minutes…it will lower your BP…do not heat it..I put mine in cold lemon water and chew the garlic pieces also…
@jimpncc OK, what was her criteria for diagnosing you with HTN and furthermore did she do a full workup on you? Because there's a few more questions I'd want to ask from you before we'd start hitting BP meds.
@jekyll She did not diagnose me with HTN. She observed the high diastolic pressure, and suggested lifestyle changes, before prescribing meds. I inquired about the ballistic kettlebell training as well as the linked protocol, and she responded that she had not read anything relevant to the topic.
@jimpncc Might just be getting older, sorry chief. I started taking medicine for BP in my early 20s even though I was running marathons and shit back then ¯_(ツ)_/¯