Hip pain squating


New member
So I'm getting some pain in my right hip when I squat.


Looking at this diagram its it feels like where all the bottom muscles meet at the top.

Here's a lackluster photo of me point to the spot


- been noticing a bit of discomfort while cycling at the extension.

- warm ups went fine.
- first working step started to feel it a little bit coming out of the hole. I don't go super deep, around parallel.
- second it was much worse and I had to stop. I felt a loss if strength.

I continued my work out and made some notes.

- no issue

- felt it significantly less, and only towards the very top of the movement.
- pressing on the outside of my door helped
- parallel feet made it much worse, pain and loss of power.

No issue with leg curls or seated calf raises.

I've also noticed that my right foot will naturally be rotated out more than my left.

And I'm told when I bench my right leg is much wider out than my left (I can't tell)

Any one have any thoughts, even just on the terminology so I can search better and talk more concisely with a pro if I need to.
@floridabr Do you train hip mobility/strength? Cossack squats, squat x lunge movements, 90/90 stretches w/ rotating knee outward or ankle inward, split squats, et al helped me immensely to reduce pain I was having in a similar area.
@dawn16 Not really :(

I'm actually looking up stretches and exercises right now. Seems like its from tight / weak hammies and tight hip flexors.

I'll start looking up the ones you said helped you.

Thanks for the input!
@floridabr If it feels at all like a muscle that has a trigger point “ knot”, dry needling is magic! My hip got to the point where I couldn’t take a step up. A hot tub jet directly pointed at the muscle alternating with stretches in the hot water is the next best thing. Sometimes you have to let it heal. Best of luck to you.
@cajuntinman Was tighter this morning and loosening up. Doesn't seem ready to be stretched it, pretty painful and also doesn't feel right.

I have a massage gun that's I've stuck in there, but doesn't seem to help.

Think I'll have to let it heal and get some stretches and exercises from a physio

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