Honest opinions/body dysmorphia


New member
Hey everyone, F21, I’ve been overweight (not so extreme, just a couple of extra kg) since I was 10-12 years old, I’ve always gone up and down in weight, but in the last 2 years, I’ve gained about 20-25kg progressively

I started my caloric deficit + some gym (lifting weights + cardio sessions) about 1 month ago and I’ve already lost 5kg, I’m 165cm / 5’4 tall and weighed 95kg (up to 96kg/211 lbs at my worst moment), now I weigh 90kg, but due to my body dysmorphia I have no idea how I look, at 70kg I felt giant, and it has happened to me that at 80kg I’ve felt smaller than when I was 70kg, that's why, I ask you to please give me an honest opinion and tell me if you really think I look like 90kg (198lbs)? Or heavier? Or less? Do u think that there’s potential?? Ahaha

Pics from today (july 7th) after breakfast n lunch, no posing just🧍‍♀️:
I have a smart scale (I know they’re not accurate), supposedly I have approx 37.5-38kg of muscle mass, and 33.8 kg of fat (which I obviously want to keep losing), does somebody knew if that’s kinda decent? Ahahah

Note after posting this: even at my most “athletic” n lightest weight (I used to go hiking every week n took crossfit classes), I was still between 65-72kg, so yeah weighing 50-60kg isn’t my goal

N well, I’m also thinking about sharing weekly updates of my journey bc I realized that I need some social pressure to keep on track lol
@corruptedsoul You look less tbh. Especially considering you're not very tall so I was expecting a larger figure for someone at 90kg.

There's always potential. Anyone making the effort at the gym has potential. You will become a glorious muscle mommy if you keep consistent and stick to the plan.
Your body fat is definitely on the higher side but not so bad as a lot of people in America. Keep lifting weights and doing your cardio. You'll change your body comp in no time! Good luck!
@corruptedsoul You look smaller. My sister in law has your stats and she definitely looks quite a bit larger. No judgement on her, I think she’s is awesome. But yeah you look tighter? Is the the right word.
@corruptedsoul You have a beautiful hourglass. Personally I would have a hard time judging your weight but that’s because I’m much taller than you so it’s difficult for me to judge. Keep lifting and make your goals around how you feel in your cloths or tape measurements. Weight looks different depending on the muscle you are carrying. Use weight just to make sure your calorie deficit is correct. Keep taking progress pictures. Use them as your true goal markers not the scale.
@corruptedsoul Based on what I looked like at my own heaviest... I would absolutely have guessed somewhere around 180-200lbs. The exact number is irrelevant though and just focus on getting to a healthy weight (sub 150 as an initial goal, probably around 130 as a long term goal).

Nowadays, when the average person is overweight, if not obese, it's very easy to get a very skewed sense of what is normal/healthy.

Also, I really wouldn't advise sharing weekly updates. Maybe find a close friend who you can share it with, but not with the general Internet. It won't give you what you're looking for.

Also, I highly encourage you to really work on building sustainable lifestyle habits. Slowly change your diet to be healthier and made of majority of whole foods, start cutting out/cutting back ultra processed foods. Really learn how to control your intake. How you eat to lose weight should be roughly how you eat to maintain your future weight. Really work on these habits now so you don't get that steady weight gain again like you did before.
@corruptedsoul I’d worry less about how you look and more about what class I obesity is doing to your body.

You’re already on the right path, just keep going! Calorie deficit while lifting will make you lose that extra weight while building up muscle mass.

You got this
@dawn16 Part of starting this journey was that I was worried about that too, so I did all the blood tests, all good, no IR, no Diabetes, the only worrying thing was my cortisol level which is due to my current emotional situation.
I’m lucky that I was raised eating almost no highly processed food for years, and during my teenage years I did a lot of sport, so I’ve always had a decent level of muscle mass, but yeah these last 2 years have been difficult, but well, it's not too late to reverse the damage I’ve done to myself, I prefer to make the change now so I won't be in my 50s regretting it😬