How Calisthenics changed my life..

@dawn16 I amputated leg is still quite sensitive and I have to easy on it for at least another year, till then I just do really simple stuff like 50 minutes walking every day, leg raises etc
@reneasohm This post should be way higher than it is, what a beast dude, amazing work right there. I honestly hope you are fine now, I mean, you look great physically :) I have a question for you, now that we are here: did you ever had some sort of issue/accident with the pull-up bar while using the rings for the dips? and the backlever, I was always affraid of doing it on my pull-up bar...never had issues? Or do you fix it on the wall somehow? Once again, keep it up!
@torrey190 Hi Dutchilz (are you Dutch?), I never had any issues but the truth is I don't really trust it for back levers cause you're quite exposed if you fall. I only do these skills when there no other alternative...
@reneasohm Thanks for the reply man, and no, I am not dutch, my name is supposed to be read with portuguese phonetic and sound like somethhing else :p So yeah, I'll consider getting rings for my bar then, I was always affraid of using them like that so I never got to buy some but lately I have been noticing a decent amount of videos with people using that setup. Thanks once again!
@timandjewel Hi , sure. A typical work out would be the following:

1) Handstand balance: 3 sets
2) Free Handstand Push ups (30 reps in total, usually divided in sets of 5-7)
3) One arm dead hangs for grip strength
4) One arm pull ups: 2 sets of of one rep
5) Dragon Flags: 3 sets of 5 clean reps
6) Pistol squats: 5 sets of 20
7) Inverted Rows: 2 sets of 14

I'm not a fan of adding additional weight, I prefer usually to focus on muscle contractions, perfect form and more difficult progressions
@lonawin Yes, I saw it this morning, thank you for noticing! Its a really low budget project , I've done practically everything, even designed the cover my self :D