How can I improve my routine


New member
I am a 102kg female. Early 20s. I have weak knees and hips that get locked up easily.

Two days a week I attend a box fit class for 30 minutes. It is high intensity and almost like doing circuits.

I have recently been going to the gym everyday or every other day. My routine so far has been:

5 minutes on the stair master
30 minutes on the exercise bike over three levels
35 minutes on the cross trainer machine over three levels
35 minutes on the treadmill at speed 2.9 at incline 1.5-2.0

This does leave me with a sore body and in a full body sweat when I leave gym. Is there anymore low impact exercises I could do? I’ve only started this routine for just over 2 weeks. It’s helped me lose 2kg so far as I was originally 104kg. Additionally I have changed my eating habits.
@trones You have to be careful on high impact exercise when you just started losing weight and if you have weak knees as you mentioned. Most important is as @zach17 mentioned, diet. Try low impact exercises first, you might go for higher impact once you have lost a bit of weight so that your knees don't get damaged. Remember this process is a marathon, not a race.