How do y’all afford protein foods😭


New member
I keep seeing everyone with all these cool finds, then I search up the price and I’m like -😳

I’m not talking about this sub specifically (I don’t think I’ve seen it here) but more so other fitness and diet related subs.

I struggle to meet my protein goals so badly. Like the volume of meat you have to eat is draining and unappetizing at times. Yogurt is carrying me right now🥲
@dikaioumenoi i suggest trying cottage cheese! it's (at least in my area) waaaay cheaper than a yogurt and the protein amount is insane. if you don't like the texture, then blend it with a little bit of milk and it turns into yogurt like substance.

another recommendation is protein powder. it's not really cheap, but there are 30 portions and if you calculate cost per serving it is pretty affordable.
@mgp2675 There are some new cottage cheese brands out there with a much different texture. Good cultures texture is not your ordinary cottage cheese. It’s almost addicting how good it is