How does my routine look?


New member
I (30m) started lifting in the gym about a year ago and before that it was mild lifting in high school.

I go to planet fitness (I know, f**k me) and for now its fine and I love isolation lifts anyways. I'm mostly trying to look great, not hit PRs all the time. I've already been seeing some pretty good results, but I know I could probably get them faster. I was lifting with less reps/more weight but recently switched it up for variety, anyway here's my routine I started sticking to for a couple weeks now for you all to judge me on:


Chest Press Machine 3 x 8-12

Machine Row 3 x 10-20

Machine Shoulder Press 3x 10-15

Ab crunch machine 3 x 10-12

Leg press Machine 3 x 8-12

Machine preacher curl 3 x 15-20

Tricep extension machine 3 x 15-20


Chest fly machine 3 x 15-20

Lat pulldown 3 x 15-20

Dumbbell Lateral raise 3x 15-20

Hanging leg raise 3 x 20

Leg extension machine (I think its called... for quads) 3 x 12 - 15

Cable tricep extension (overhead bending forward) 3 x 10-20

Hammer curls 3 x 10-20


Dumbbell bench press 3 x 10-20

seated cable rows close grip elbows in 3 x 10-20

Dumbbell seated shoulder press 3 x 8-12

Seated cable crunch 3 x 20

Laying hamstring pullback machine 3 x 10-15

Dumbbell bicep curl 3 x 12-20

Cable tricep pushdown 3 x 12 - 20

I'll sometimes add a fourth set if I dont feel I hit it hard enough. I'm thinking of doing 4 sets as a baseline for everything soon anyways. I know a lot of you are going to point out I dont do any of the big three. I only have access to smith racks and I hate deadlifts in general anyways. I'm sure at some point i'll work in benching and squats on the smith rack in there once I feel I've plateaud on some other lifts.
@hundreddays For Planet Fitness your program looks fine. But I feel like there are too many exercises and all three days look very similar even with different exercises.

I would recommend a Arnold split or Push, Pull, Legs if You want to go three times a week or more. Basically, my brain gets confused looking at your program.
@dch I was thinking about ppl, but then I'd be hitting each muscle group once a week as opposed to 3 times a week. I'm somewhat of a noob but I don't feel like I'd be getting the same stimulation response from having 6 days of rest in between, right?
@dch Yeah unfortunately. I have three kids, school, work, and my wife goes to the gym the three days in between mine. After a year or so I'll be freed up quite a bit when school is over, but for now that's all I'm able to do. My job is literally walking all day too so I only do cardio like once a week in the gym, if that even.
@hundreddays Then full body like you're doing now is probably the better option. Maybe in the future when the kids are older you can all go together