How long does it take to get to body like this ?

@olliegen Honestly you could diet down to 10-12% while running a simple 3-5 day routine and be pretty close in about 6 months. Newbie gains will help a lot. Once you are lean, just eat in a moderate surplus and continue to train and progressively overload. It won’t take long. I highly recommend intermittent fasting for weight loss.
@olliegen Based on what you said and based on these pictures I’m not really concerned with the exact exercises you’re doing but your focus needs to be heavy on strength training rather than cardio and nutrition lowering your body fat percentage! No one can tell you the exact amount of time but I would say maybe a year. No offence but in your current state you look like you probably look great in T-shirts but relatively you’re not that big but your body fat percentage is probably higher than you might think. I would go to a gym and get an actual scan so you actually know your metrics and what you’re dealing with. Like to go all in would be to shred some body fat percentage while also building muscle. So in order to do that heavy strength training, high protein and low fat. Make sure that you are getting all your protein in to build muscle And eat healthy clean food protein greens, avoid processed foods obviously alcohol. It’s entirely doable for a body like yours but I would give yourself some time.
@olliegen Started working out fifty years ago, did gymnastics, running, etc. One thing it took me forever to learn is you'll never get the physique you want unless you dial in your nutrition. Many guys put on muscle but don't look good because they carry too much fat. Your goal body is lean. Work on that now. As Pat Flynn says, Just never get fat.
@olliegen That looks to me like something just under 15% body fat and a bit of muscle.

If I had my 1st year over, I'd start with shedding the fat. Building muscle under a bit too much fat is just not that motivating.
@olliegen For the diet side of this - I highly recommend the MacroFactor app. Great way to get very precise recommendations on how many calories to eat in order to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

I’ve been using is consistently for 3 months now and first time I’ve ever consistently lost weight

(Not a paid endorsement- I just love the app / community)
@heavenlymetal Some aggressive water fasting would give him a temporary look closer to that picture in only a couple weeks. He wouldn’t have any of those hard oblique cuts or anything but he’d look pretty good.

But yeah 12 weeks would be a very casual pace to get that bf% imo.